Saturday, November 8, 2008

Frozen Waffles

This morning Kara wanted frozen waffles for breakfast, but I was feeling a bit lazy so I told her to make them. First she looked at me like I was crazy... then she said Okay! Usually i don't let the children touch anything in the kitchen, so when I told her to go for it she was thrilled. But then John decided he wanted to help to...
So together they got a chair to take the waffles out of the freezer and proceeded to cooked them. Kara got out the toaster and plugged it in (without electricuting herself). John took the waffles out of the wrapper, dumping all six on the kitchen floor. Kara put them in the toaster and john tried to stick his fingers in the toaster! Then John got impatient and started eating a waffle... still frozen. When the waffles popped up Kara put the butter on and everything. I was totally impressed. Then she decided to make waffles for Mike and I also. Yes, we all ate waffels that had been on the floor. But how could we tell her no thanks, she was beaming with pride.
This afternoon I think I will show her how to make Easy Mac... this may the beginning of something good.


Becky Hartman said...

Ha Ha! I love it! Especially the bit about John eating the frozen waffle!

Paula Gardner said...

Talk about impatient! Frozen waffles, blech!